Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Parcel's in the post (Honest, guv'. :-))

One largish parcel slowly winging its way South. I *think* it will get there in time for the deadline. :D

Saturday, February 2, 2008

To my secret upstream

I can't reply to the email-address - it bounces, user unknown.

This is what I wrote:

Hopefully this is the right address to reply to. Many thanks for the sheepy postcard and getting in touch so quickly! I feel spoiled already. :-)

No storm today, but yesterday had me outside and trying to walk against the wind for about six miles in total. Tricky to breathe when the wind is that strong and the combination of soaking horizontal sleet and hail was interesting. And cold. I hitched a lift home... :-)
Today we have warm sun and a white cover on the ground. The cat had a blast rolling around in, and scrubbing himself along, the snow. He's completely mad, but some of the snow-cat-angels were quite pretty.

I have done bobbin-lace as well. Nothing hugely complicated, but enough to border a hanky for my mum.

My favourite is Blue Leicester. I have some of that, some Shetland, some Corriedale (cat loves this) and Wensleydale/Teeswater. Thought I'd try some different kinds to see how they work as wool, for drafting and as spun yarn. I do drop-spindle, not enough space and persuasive talents for a wheel. Happy to try just about anything, but let me know if it is an advance-class fiber, so I'll be prepared for the struggle. ^_^

May your knitting flow as easily as the spring rains. :-)